Education to be complete must have five principal aspects corresponding to the five principal activities of the human being: the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic, and the spiritual
Usually, these phases of education succeed each other in chronological order following the growth of the individual; this, however, does not mean that one should replace the other but that all must continue, completing one another, till the end of his life.
~ The Mother
The Integral School
The Integral School aspires to evolve a system of integral education by creating conditions that inspire the children and the teachers alike to discover for themselves the purpose of life and what role they want to play in it. Developing the mental (mind), Vital (seat of all emotions), and Physical (the body) in the guiding light of the Psychic (the inmost or the innermost self) is the mainstay of integral education.
Integral education is learning-centric or learning-centered. The central focus is learning. Learning is specific to a child. Learning happens in a specific context for the child. The idea is to create conditions and opportunities to make a choice, to choose subjects, to choose where to study, what to study, and at one’s own pace. The following are some of the core elements of learning at The Integral School.
Core Elements
Our human body harbors immense capabilities yet is seldom allowed to unfold in alignment with its inherent genius...